Minggu, 27 Mei 2012


Love familiarize Early Childhood Environment
Love for the environment can be fostered in early childhood, by way of doing things - a nice little things, for example, create a show garden at the weekend sehinnga he will be impressed by itself within a few days to see if the plants are planted will grow. Explain the benefits of the plant will grow plants that can absorb water and can menjegah flooding.
Global warming is happening because of the destruction of the natural balance should concern us all. To be natural conditions are not getting worse, move the guard of nature must begin now. not just for adults, but children - children should start getting used to for eco-friendly lifestyle and love of the environment. Concern for environmental sustainability needs to be done early, because the effect at an early age is the basis of the formation of one's personality traits.

Activity in the kitchen was the most dominant waste accounted for in Indonesia, which reached 80%. It is time for the mothers in action to reduce environmental destruction.
Start a green movement in the kitchen is not a difficult matter much we can do by making small changes in the kitchen, for example by trying to save energy. Use energy-saving lamps for example, replacing old refrigerators with new refrigerator so he reached 10-12 years of use. The trick to saving can also be done when opening the refrigerator. While cooking, use the smallest equipment. Make sure the shop is not too much because if not immediately used quality will decline and decay, not wasting food as much as possible, try to creatively dispose of waste on pet food for example. And that is often overlooked is the use of plastic. In fact, buying a drink or food we often ask for plastic. Should we have set up their own bags to carry our groceries.
Let's do go green in your kitchen action .....

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