Minggu, 27 Mei 2012


Food "doping" Learning
When the exam, wish it could put all the science that is in a notebook or textbook into the brain. Unfortunately, sometimes the brain does not want to compromise, that is so hard to catch a lot of test material. For that let's find out the foods that can make our brains become more fluent to think.

In addition to good taste, chocolate was also able to assist us in the learning process. Because, by eating chocolate can boost the production of substances endoprhin that makes us so good mood and be more excited. Not only that, chocolate also can increase our focus and concentration while studying.

Foods made from soybeans, such as tofu and soy milk are also useful to help us time to learn. Because soybeans berkhasiatuntuk slow memory loss and prevent brain damage.
Fish - fish from cold waters such as salmon, mackerel and tuna are the best source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Its function is to form the brain, retina and some other neural networks. Omega 3 fatty acids proven to increase energy, memory and our ability to solve problems.

If you tire easily when learning, perhaps we need to drink tea. Because, tea has been proven to not only make us more focused, but also helps us cope with fatigue. Green tea is tea that is most effective against fatigue and can make us more relaxed.

Almost any type of berry can help us to learn, respectively - each with its own function. For example, strawberries contain fisetin many substances that can improve memory or blueberries can mempebesar "memory storage". So, the more lessons we diotak fit.

Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli hate that we may actually facilitate learning. Because, vegetables - vegetables helps maintain something we have to remember in the brain. Thus, physics formula that does not directly evaporates after we read it right??

Foods that contain calcium such as milk and yogurt and cheese to develop nerve function in the brain becomes more leverage. Plus, an amino acid in the yogurt is not easy to make us sleepy and not easily forgotten.

¾ of our brain is water. So, of course, water is very useful to the brain can work well. Because, if our brains to dehydration, then the work would be tergannggu. So, we must drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

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